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Maximum Mortgage Calculator

What is your maximum mortgage? That largely depends on your income and current monthly debt payments. This calculator collects these important variables and determines your maximum monthly housing payment and the resulting mortgage amount.

By changing any value in the following form fields, calculated values are immediately provided for displayed output values. Click the view report button to see all of your results.

Financial Calculators from

Financial Calculators ©1998-2024 KJE Computer Solutions, Inc.

Maximum Mortgage Calculator - Greenwoods State Bank
*indicates required.
**FIG_GRAPHTITLE** Column Graph: Please use the calculator's report to see detailed calculation results in tabular form.


Monthly income

Total monthly income from all sources. All income should be entered before taxes.

Monthly housing expenses

Your monthly housing expenses from the housing expenses worksheet. The items entered as housing expenses make up the taxes and insurance portion of your monthly PITI payment.

Monthly liabilities

Your monthly liabilities from the liabilities worksheet. Your monthly liabilities are used to calculate your maximum PITI.

Monthly housing payment (PITI)

This is your total principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITI) payment per month. This includes your principal, interest, real estate taxes, hazard insurance, association dues or fees and principal mortgage insurance (PMI). Maximum monthly payment (PITI) is calculated by taking the lower of these two calculations:

  1. Monthly Income X 28% = monthly PITI
  2. Monthly Income X 36% - Other loan payments = monthly PITI

Maximum principal and interest (PI)

This is your maximum monthly principal and interest payment. It is calculated by subtracting your monthly taxes and insurance from your monthly PITI payment. This calculator uses your maximum PI payment to determine the mortgage amount that you could qualify for.

Start interest rates at

The current interest rate you could receive on your mortgage. This is used as the starting point for displaying a range of interest rates and the resulting mortgage amount.

Term in years

The number of years over which you will repay this loan. The most common mortgage terms are 15 years and 30 years.

Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.